PhD, University of Roehampton | Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Sociology, University of Crete
Costas Gousis was born in Volos in 1986. He graduated from the Law School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH) and holds a Master’s degree in Political Theory and Philosophy from the School of Political Sciences, AUTH. As an AHRC Techne-funded doctoral student, he researched immigrant activism in Greece over the last two decades and completed his PhD at the University of Roehampton in 2021. His thesis explores diverse aspects of immigrant activism, including labor and feminist organizing, citizenship struggles, and justice campaigns. He has worked as a social researcher and lawyer in the field of human rights and refugee law, initially serving on the Asylum Appeals Committees under Presidential Decree 114/2010, and later providing legal assistance to asylum seekers through the Youth Support Centre of ARSIS in Athens. After completing his PhD, he worked for three years at Eteron – Institute for Research and Social Change, coordinating research projects on youth, precarious work, and political participation. During the period 2023-2024, he participated in the Research Group of the ‘Demo/Crisis – Researching Democracy & Crisis’ project, funded by ELIDEK and implemented by Panteion University. As of May 2024, he is a member of the Management Committee of the COST Action “Data Matters: Sociotechnical Challenges of European Migration and Border Controls” (DATAMIG), a research network coordinated by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Currently, he is a contract lecturer in the Department of Sociology at the University of Crete, teaching ‘Sociology of Migration’ and preparing an individual research proposal as part of his collaboration with the Research Centre for the Humanities.
2025 (Co-author: A. Kontogiannis-Mandros), Citizens’ satisfaction with democracy against the backdrop of the Eurozone crisis management: The case of Greece, European Politics and Society, 1–22.
2024 (Co-editor of the e-book: Loukia Kotronaki), Youth in the Kaleidoscope: Collective Action, Emotions, and Electoral Attitudes in Greece during 2023, Athens: Eteron – Institute for Research and Social Change. ISBN: 978-618-87020-1-1. Available at:
2023 (Co-author: A. Prepi), Neo-colonial migration policies, EU resilience, and the role of Greece: Critique and the possibility of alternatives, in S. Petkovska (ed.), Decolonial politics in European peripheries: Redefining progressiveness, coloniality and transition efforts (pp. 90–109), London: Routledge.
2023 (Co-author: A. K. Gill), Understanding acts of citizenship: Stories of Black activism in Greece, Citizenship Studies, 27(5), 605–622.
2023Migrant struggles, digital tools, and knowledge from below, in L. Cornelissen (ed.), Independent Social Research Foundation Bulletin 27: Platform humanities. Digital technologies and social research (pp. 27–36).
2023Yunanistan’daki Pakistanlı Topluluğu ve 2010’larda Altın Şafak’a Karşı Antifaşist Mücadeleye Katkısı [The Pakistani Community in Greece and its Contribution to the Antifascist Struggle Against Golden Dawn in the 2010s], Praksis, 62, 111-130. ISSN: 1302-8618. (in Turkish).
2023 (Co-author: Eirini Gaitanou), Changing the Narrative of Generation Z: Methodological Observations and Findings on the Youth During the Pandemic, Sygchrona Themata, 158-159, 87-96.