Dr. of History and Cultural and Publishing Studies, Leiden University
Christos Mais studied Economics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He holds an MA in Book & Digital Media Studies from Leiden University. He completed his PhD thesis at the same university in 2020 on political publishing in Greece during the long 1960s. He has worked as a researcher at the Historical Dialogue and Research Group (Nicosia, Cyprus), at a project of the Free University of Berlin, and at the Thessaloniki Port Authority S.A. He was a teaching fellow at the Department of Culture, Creative Media and Industries of the University of Thessaly (2021-2024). His research interests include contemporary social and cultural history, the history of publishing, and the history of the Cold War with an emphasis on culture. In recent years he has broadened his interests to include the cultural and social history of Cyprus. He has published in academic journals and edited volumes. He is the scientific director of the Dialectics series of Psifides Publications and a publishing consultant for the same publishing house.
Ο Πόλεμος των Ιδεών. Πολιτιστικός Ψυχρός Πόλεμος και η Κατασκευή της Φιλελεύθερης Δημοκρατίας στην Ελλάδα. Θεσσαλονίκη, Ψηφίδες. (Συνεπιμέλεια Δέσποινα Λαλάκη). Αναμένεται.
“Serving two masters: Cold War Book Diplomacy in 1960s Greece”, in Haddadian-Moghaddam, Esmaeil, Giles Scott-Smith (eds.). Book Diplomacy in the Cultural Cold War: Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming. The book is part of Brill’s “New Perspectives on the Cold War.”
“Publish (in English) or Perish: Greek Academia and the Imposition of English Language”, The Journal of Electronic Publishing 27(1): (2024). doi: https://doi.org/10.3998/jep.5329
«Building a new old left: The first period of the Greek Marxist-Leninist movement (1963-1967)», Twentieth Century Communism, 22:22, σσ. 71-93. https://doi.org/10.3898/175864322835917892.
“The Politicized Christoforos Savva: A Cypriot Artist ‘De-cementing’ Nationalism and ‘Weaving’ Cypriotism”, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, 39:2 (2021), 403-436.
“Imperialism and anti-colonialism, 1960s-1970s” in Immanuel Ness and Zak Cope (eds.), Palgrave Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism. London: Palgrave-Macmillan. 2015, 806-812.