Sofia Nikolaidou

Senior Research Associate, Department of Social Policy, Panteion University | Adjunct Lecturer, School of Social Sciences, Hellenic Open University


Sofia Nikolaidou holds a diploma in Planning and Regional Development (Dipl. Eng. University of Thessaly, 2003), an MSc in rural development and natural resource management (CIHEAM, IAM Montpellier, 2005) and a PhD in Urban and Regional Planning (School of Architecture, National Technical University of Athens, 2012). Her doctoral research focused on peri-urban transformations in metropolitan Athens, examining urban-rural interactions, commuting, agricultural dynamics, and land-use conflicts arising from urban sprawl.

Her research and teaching interests cover alternative approaches to spatial development and territorial planning, with a particular focus on sustainable rural development, rural-urban links, participatory governance processes, social innovation, alternative agri-food networks, food justice and agroecological transitions. She has collaborated with several multidisciplinary teams at universities in Greece and abroad. Her most recent research project as a research associate at the Department of Social Policy, Panteion University, explores social inequalities and housing precariousness in rural areas through the lens of social resilience. Since 2018, she is an adjunct lecturer at the Hellenic Open University, teaching the course “Spatial Development, Social Innovation and Social and Solidarity Economy” (Master in SSE) at the Hellenic Open University. Her previous teaching experience regards theories, policies and practices related to territorial planning and governance, participatory approaches of rural development and agri-food policies (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Panteion University of Athens, and Agricultural University of Tirana).



 Selected publications

  1. Nikolaidou S., Kouki Ch., Zgeras G., Anthopoulou Τh. (2025) Co-designing an educational game on food sovereignty: insights from a participatory research project in Greece. Food ethics10, 4 (2025).
  2. Nikolaidou S., Loudiyi S. and Reckinger R. (eds) (2023) New Directions in Governance of Urban Food Systems Transitions, editorial of the Special Issue “New Directions in Governance of Urban Food Systems Transitions”, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, section Urban Agriculture (οργάνωση και επιμέλεια ειδικού τεύχους).
  3. Nikolaidou S. , Kouzeleas S., Goussios D. (2022) A territorial approach to social learning: facilitating consumer knowledge of local food through participation in the guarantee process. Sociologia Ruralis, 1–23.
  4. Nikolaidou S. (2021). Peri-urban agriculture and alternative food networks in Athens: Solidarity dynamics, spatial planning challenges and institutional reforms. Cahiers de la Méditerranée – Le foncier et la marginalité en Méditerranée(102) 89-107,,
  5. Nikolaidou S. (2020) Solidarity and justice in local food systems: the transformative potential of producer-consumer networks in Greece. In Döner, F. Figueiredo, E., Rivera, M.J, Crisis, Post-Crisis and Rural Territories: Social Change, Challenges and Opportunities in Southern and Mediterranean Europe. 163-185.
  6. Kouzeleas S., Nikolaidou S., Goulas A., Goussios D. (2020) Pilot interactive visualization tool of a Participatory Guarantee System: The case of “Terra Thessalia PGS”. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology (IJEIT) Volume 9, Issue 7, 1-17.
  7. Nikolaidou S. (2019) “Temporary urban landscapes and urban gardening: re-inventing open space in Greece and Switzerland”, Chapter in Certomà C., Noori, S. Sondermann, M.(eds). Urban Gardening. The Struggles of Social and Spatial Justice. Manchester University Press – Social Science Collection, pp. 59-73,
  8. Kolokouris, Nikolaidou S., Anthopoulou T.(2017) Mapping land-use dynamics, environmental conflicts and social pressures in the peri-urban area of Athens, Options Méditerranéennes, No 117, pp.297-317
  9. Nikolaidou S. (2018) Metropolitan initiatives for ‘food justice’: rural-urban solidarity in Greece. in Baron, N. and Romero, J. (eds). Cultura territorial e innovacion social, Estudios y documentos 25, PUV Universitat de Valencia, 409-426.
  10. Nikolaidou S., Klöti T., Tappert, S., Drilling M. (2016) Urban Gardening and Green Space Governance: Towards New Collaborative Planning Practices. Urban Planning 1(1), 5-19. Online Reference
  11. Nikolaïdou S. (2013) Dynamiques périurbaines et mutations des espaces littoraux. Le cas d’une plaine viticole de Messoghia. Athènes (Grèce). Un littoral sans nature ? L’avenir de la méditerranée face à l’urbanisation (Perrin, C.). Rome: Ed. Ramses2 – Presses de l’Ecole Française de Rome. pp. 101-110. Online Reference
  12. Νικολαΐδου Σ., (2012). Δυναμικές εξέλιξης και μετασχηματισμοί του περιαστικού χώρου της μητροπολιτικής περιοχής Αθηνών: η περίπτωση της περιοχής των Μεσογείων. Διδακτορική διατριβή, Σχολή Αρχιτεκτόνων ΕΜΠ. Τομέας πολεοδομίας χωροταξίας Online Reference
  13. Nikolaidou S. (2011) Politiques de planification et logiques des acteurs locaux dans le contexte de périurbanisation du sud-est d’Athènes. Options Méditerranéennes, B 66:145-158. Paris: CIHEAM. Online Reference