Vasiliki Petsa

Adjunct Faculty, Open University of Cyprus


Vasiliki Petsa studied Media, Culture and Society at the University of Birmingham and European Literature at the University of Oxford. She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature (University of the Peloponnese, 2014, funded by the Heraclitus II program and the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs). Her PhD thesis was reworked and published by POLIS Publishers under the title Political Violence and Memory in Contemporary Greek and Italian Literatures. She was an I.K.Y. fellow, conducting postdoctoral research on Greek road and travel films (University of the Peloponnese, 2017-2019), and also a member of a research team working on the project ‘Greek Working-Class Literature from the Interwar Years to the Present (University of Crete, ‘Support of Researchers with a focus on Young Researchers – B’ Cycle’, in the framework of NSRF 2014-2020). She has been P.I. of the Postdoctoral Research Project ‘Gender and Ethnicity in Greek Working-Class Literature’ (University of Thessaly, Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation, 3rd Call for HFRI Projects to support Postdoctoral Researchers, GEWOCL, 7520. Duration: 29 months).  She is also a fiction writer.



Selected Publications

Petsa, V. (2024). ‘“A washed pig returns to the mud”: The Working Class in Greek Literature in the Interwar Years and the 1980s’, Waste and Discard in Italy and the Mediterranean: Theories, Practices, Literature and Film, Graziella Parati, Marta Cariello, Damiano Benvegnù, and Matteo Gilebbi (eds.) (Οxford: Peter Lang), pp. 209-229.

Petsa, V. & Petikas, V. ‘The Joy of Duty: Constructing the Greek Working-Classes in the Aftermath of WW2 and the Civil War’, Historein, Special Issue: Free Speech and Its Discontents. Belief Systems, Identities and Censorship in Greece, 22/1 (forthcoming)

Petsa, V., Zissimopoulou, S., Natsina, A. & Dimitrakakis, Y. (2021) ‘The Transformations of Greek Working-Class Fiction from the Interwar Period to the Present’, Journal of Working-Class Studies, 6(2), pp. 5-20

Petsa, V. (2019) «H “μεταναστευτική αισθητική” ως πολιτική στρατηγική στο πεδίο της τέχνης: Διεθνικότητα, υβριδισμός και διαπολιτισμικότητα στη Διαρκή αναχώρηση της Πέτρα Γκοϊνγκ (Τσαγγάρη, 2000)» [Migratory Aesthetics as a Political Strategy in the Arts: Transnationalism, Hybridity and Interculturalism in the Slow Business of Going (Tsangari, 2000)], The Greek Review of Social Research, 152, pp. 45-78.

Petsa, V. (2018) ‘The Stigma that Dare Νot Speak Ιts Name: Negotiating Pride and Shame in the Discourse of the Relatives of the Victims of Terrorism’, Era mio padre. Italian Terrorism of the Anni di Piombo in the Postmemorials of Victims’ Relatives, Ward, D. & Gastaldi, S. (eds.) (Oxford: Peter Lang), pp. 45-68.

Petsa, V. (2016) Όταν γράφει το μολύβι. Πολιτική βία και μνήμη στη σύγχρονη ελληνική και ιταλική πεζογραφία [Political Violence and Memory in Contemporary Greek and Italian Literatures] (Athens: POLIS Publishers). Reworked version of PhD thesis.