News & Activities

Panel discussion: Scandinavia and the Greek Military Dictatorship

26 February 2025

We are de­lighted to in­vite you to a joint panel co-or­ga­nized by the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens (SIA), Up­p­sala Uni­ver­sity (UU) and NORMED, which op­er­ates un­der the aus­pices of the Re­search Cen­tre for the Hu­man­i­ties (RCH).

The panel will take place in-per­son at the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens and on­line via Zoom on Tues­dayMarch 42025, at 7 pm.

To participate (in-person or via Zoom), please register at:

Warmly welcome!

Scan­di­navia and the Greek Mil­i­tary Dic­ta­tor­ship

Panel chair: Dr George Kalpadakis
Se­nior Re­searcher, Acad­emy of Athens (MGHRC) & Mem­ber of Sci­en­tific Com­mit­tee, NORMED

Matthaios Ama­na­tiadis
PhD can­di­date in His­tory, Up­p­sala Uni­ver­sity
The Scan­di­na­vian anti-Junta Net­work and the In­ter­play be­tween Diplo­macy and Ac­tivism

Stan Draenos
PhD in Po­lit­i­cal Sci­ence, His­to­rian
Scan­di­na­vian sol­i­dar­ity and Cold War power dy­nam­ics dur­ing the Junta

Niko­las Man­i­takis
Ass. Pro­fes­sor of His­tory, Uni­ver­sity of Athens
Greek-Scan­di­na­vian Co­op­er­a­tion in the Coun­cil of Eu­rope and the Is­sue of Tor­ture