One of the RCH’s main missions is to build substantial bonds with its researchers, cultivating public scientific discourse.
Starting in 2018, the RCH has started holding scientific meetings of all its post-doctoral researchers, aiming to create a wider network of young scholars and a dynamic new scientificcommunity in the Humanities, with RCH as its reference point.
Seminar by Nikolas Dimakis & Nikos Kouremenos
The 9th RCH Researcher’s Seminar was held on Friday November 23rd 2018.
Website of the project “Mapping the Enlightenment”
A snapshot from N. Potamianos’s presentation
Seminar by Hypatia Vourloumis and Constantin Irodotou
On Friday October 29th 2018 the 7th RCH Researchers’ Seminar took place. The research “Performancescapes: Fugitive Athens and the Arts of the Possible” conducted by Hypatia Vourloumis on 2016 was presented by her. Constantin Irodotou presented his research titled “Adamantios Korais – Towards an intellectual biography: His medical work”(2018).
Constantin Irodotou
Constantin Irodotou, Hypatia Vourloumis
Υπατία Βουρλούμη
Seminar by research group of G. Cantoro, S. Michalopoulou and C. Tsigonaki & research group of D. Catapoti, I. Skounaki and G. Goumopoulou
The 6th RCH Researcher’s Seminar was held on Friday June 22nd 2018.